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ブルー・ブルー・ブルー [Blu-ray]

4.2 5つ星のうち4.2 104個の評価

¥900 税込


フォーマット 色, ドルビー, ワイドスクリーン
コントリビュータ ダン・キャッスル, ラクラン・ブキャナン, レシャード・ストリック, ハビエル・サミュエル
言語 日本語, 英語
稼働時間 1 時間 47 分

アウトドア用品、ファッション、食品・飲料、母の日ギフト、父の日ギフト関連商品など、10万点を超える対象アイテムからよりどり2点以上で5%OFF。 セール会場はこちら




●予告編集 ●キャスト来日インタビュー ●キマグレン×『ブルー・ブルー・ブルー』スペシャルPV


(C)2007 Film Finance Corporation Australia Limited,3DAP Japan LLC,Shadowwire Entertainment Ply Limited,Jour de Fete LLC and Newcastle Pictures Ply Limited.




  • アスペクト比 ‏ : ‎ 1.78:1
  • メーカーにより製造中止になりました ‏ : ‎ いいえ
  • 言語 ‏ : ‎ 日本語, 英語
  • 梱包サイズ ‏ : ‎ 17.2 x 13.6 x 1.2 cm; 0.28 g
  • EAN ‏ : ‎ 4547462055118
  • 監督 ‏ : ‎ ダン・キャッスル
  • メディア形式 ‏ : ‎ 色, ドルビー, ワイドスクリーン
  • 時間 ‏ : ‎ 1 時間 47 分
  • 発売日 ‏ : ‎ 2009/1/28
  • 出演 ‏ : ‎ ラクラン・ブキャナン, ハビエル・サミュエル, レシャード・ストリック
  • 字幕: ‏ : ‎ 日本語, 英語
  • 販売元 ‏ : ‎ ソニー・ピクチャーズエンタテインメント
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B001KKR4X0
  • ディスク枚数 ‏ : ‎ 1
  • カスタマーレビュー:
    4.2 5つ星のうち4.2 104個の評価





上位レビュー、対象国: 日本

「サーフィン映画」というよりは、「人間模様」を描いた作品だと思います。 ただちょっと・・・描写力不足デスが。

しかし、あの”主人公”ジェシーの描き方はヒド過ぎです。 あれでは「若者特有の苛立ち」というよりは、単に「自己中でイジワルな奴」にしか見えない。 だからとて、彼が人間的に成長する姿を描き切っているワケでもない。 この辺が観ている者に「この話は何が言いたい?」と思わせる原因だと思います。 一番重要なところなのに、とても残念。

反面、双子の弟ファーガスは上手く描けています。 周りの人間にバカにされても、人を思い理解しようとする彼の姿は、徐々にジェシーにも影響を与えていきます。(ただ描写がイマイチ・・・) 断然、ファーガス側の話の方が面白いです。

ファーガスが恋をしている”ジェシーの友達のアンディー”は、どこか優雅で、優しく、とても魅力的です。 多分、彼の雰囲気が”王子様”然としているのは、演出では無く演じているカーク・ジェンキンスに因るところなのでしょう。 美しい人です。 カークは俳優ではなく、プロサーファーです。 ビックリ!&納得! 

多々難有りの作品ですが、アンディーが最高に素敵だし、ファーガス&アンディーの話もいい感じだし、若者の弾けている様も楽しい。 オーストラリアの風景も美しい。 音楽も最高! などなど、単純に大好きな作品なので、星=5!です。





青春ビデオとしてもなんの感動もない。なぜ日本で多少話題になったのか?配給会社の宣伝のおかげなのか。サーフィンがこれだけ市民権を得てる世の中なのに、ドキュメンタリーは別として日本 海外において良質なドラマ仕立てのものがないのか。疑問です。
シナリオ的には 残念な感じ でしたが、サーフトリップで主人公の兄が事故にあう前迄の
この部分だけなら ☆5つ。


Blair Hickey
5つ星のうち5.0 Can only play on my computer. Won't work on ...
Can only play on my computer. Won't work on my blue ray player as it is not for my region.
Bob Drake
5つ星のうち5.0 Sun, Surf, Skin
This film was shot on Super 16 (mainly because it is a common format for underwater surfing shots) and the film looks great on DVD. A blu-ray disc of "Newcastle Australia" is available in the U.K. but not here.

In the U.S. and the U.K. Newcastle is marketed as a gay film. It is and it isn't. The teen surfer boys spend a lot of time in board shorts or less and make nice, blue-eyed, eye candy. The opening shot of Jesse, on a top bunk, opening his blue eyes to look out at the surf, is captivating. Then there is his darker fraternal twin. Fergus (Xavier Samuels), who is a goth, gay kid with a streak of color in his hair. The cover of the U.K. release has Fergus/Xavier front and center, with a note that he is to appear in Twilight: Eclipse. In truth, Xavier as vampire Riley in Eclipse is very different from Xavier the gay, meek Fergus of Newcastle.

There is a lot of surf in the film, a lot of dysfunctional family dynamics involving Jesse's older brother who was a better surfer but did not handle the transition to adulthood well, and a lot of teen angst. When the boys and a couple of girls take off for a weekend in the dunes we see some naked boy butts and watch Jesse lose his virginity up close. It is clear that Fergus has a crush on Jesse's friend Andy. When, as odd men out, they pair up that evening, Fergus and Andy progress from stargazing to views on homosexuality to talk of masturbation. Eventually the older brother shows up with friends and ruins the beach party. (And the water changes in color from turquoise to steely blue - on purpose as we learn in the extras.)

A lot has been made of the Fergus-Andy "gay" relationship. The gay director, Dan Castle, reportedly did not specifically see them as a gay couple, but had the two guys room together to bond, and told "Andy" to take the gay notion as far as he was comfortable. Australian men are not as chronically homophobic as are U.S. men, hence 
Puppetry of the Penis: The Ancient Art of Genital Origami . Level-headed Andy is one of the few who do not make jokes ("Fagus') about Fergus. True, after the accepting Andy gives Fergus permission to "look" the two become close. And, since both are shown buckling up as if they had been up to something, perhaps VERY close. But why not, since Fergus has no other friends and Andy is accepting of Fergus. At one point towards the end of the film Andy is referred to as Fergus's "boyfriend," but it is clear that this is said in a friendly, loving way among friends. So I guess if you must consider Fergus and Andy to be a couple, by all means do. I doubt director Castle, will argue with you, since there is a market for fresh gay films.

The film ends with the two brothers, Jesse and Fergus, swimming naked together at a beach that is not clothing optional. It is clear that they are completely comfortable with each other's nudity as they swim like dolphins around an underwater camera in sun-dappled water, and as they run naked through the neighborhood back to their granddad's place. (A deft hand on the controls show they really are running naked if that is your thing.) Of course Xavier Samuels is not gay. Fergus is.

The Extras are worthwhile since they discuss the filming and the music. (One actor proved to be a talented musician as well.) The film is not perfect, but accomplishes what it set out to do: Sun, Surf, Skin.
Marc Siegert
5つ星のうち5.0 Absolut sehenswert!
Der Film liefert beeindruckende Bilder: den Kontrast zwischen der Industriestadt Newcastle mit Stahlwerken und Werften, auf der anderen Seite Wellen, Strand und große Weite. Die Surf-Aufnahmen sind wirklich sensationell. Dazu immer wieder der fast schon surreale Blick auf die zahlreichen Kohlefrachter vor der Küste.
Diesen Kontrast gibt es auch bei den Figuren: Auf der einen Seite die Leichtigkeit des Surfer-Daseins, nur Sonne, Strand und Wellen. Auf der anderen Seite eine ungewisse Zukunft, familiäre Probleme, Neid, nicht zu erfüllende Erwartungen.
Der Film überrascht den Zuschauer immer wieder: Dinge, die man erwartet, passieren dann doch nicht und einfache Szenen bekommen ganz plötzlich eine dramatische Wendung.
Sehr gut sind die Gefühle der Figuren herausgearbeitet. Im Verlauf des Films lernt man die verschiedenen Figuren kennen und versteht immer besser ihre innere Gefühlslage.
Und wen die Gefühlslage nicht so sehr interessiert, der sollte sich den Film auch nur wegen der Surfaufnahmen anschauen...

Es handelt sich hier sicher nicht um einen Schwulenfilm, er war zumindest nicht so konzipiert. Homosexualtität wird zwar angesprochen (für die einen ganz normal, für die anderen eine Katastrophe), aber sie steht sicher nicht im Vordergrund. Der Film thematisiert eigentlich alle möglichen menschlichen Beziehungen (Männer, Frauen, Eltern, Kinder, Brüder, Freunde, Liebe, Sex...)

Anmerkungen 2:
Der Film hat englische Sprache (d.h. australisch) und englischen und deutschen Untertitel. Mit dem deutschen Untertitel ist der Zuschauer ganz schön gefordert: Das Australische verstehen, überlegen, wie das wohl in normalem Englisch heißen würde und schauen, wie denn die deutsche Übersetzung lautet...
Also lieber den englischen Untertitel anmachen!
Bob Drake
5つ星のうち5.0 Sun, Surf, Skin
This film was shot on Super 16 (mainly because it is a common format for underwater surfing shots) so there is only so much improvement that you can expect in the blu-ray version of the film. That said, the film looks great.

In the U.S. and the U.K. Newcastle is marketed as a gay film. It is and it isn't. The teen surfer boys spend a lot of time in board shorts or less and make nice, blue-eyed, eye candy. The opening shot of Jesse, on a top bunk, opening his blue eyes to look out at the surf, is captivating. Then there is his darker fraternal twin. Fergus (Xavier Samuel), who is a goth, gay kid with a streak of color in his hair. The cover of the actual Peccadillo blu-ray disc is not as pictured currently. It looks more like the 
Newcastle - Australia [DVD] [2009 ] cover with Fergus/Xavier front and center, with a note that he is to appear in Twilight: Eclipse. Despite having his picture on the front cover, Fergus/Xavier is not the highlight of the film.

There is a lot of surf in the film, a lot of family dynamics involving Jesse's older brother who was a better surfer but did not handle the transition to adulthood well, and a lot of teen angst. When the boys and a couple of girls take off for a weekend in the dunes we see some naked boy butts and watch Jesse lose his virginity up close. It is clear that Fergus has a crush on Jesse's friend Andy. When they pair up that evening, Fergus and Andy progress from stargazing to views on homosexuality to talk of masturbation. Eventually the older brother shows up and ruins the beach party. And the water changes in color from turquoise to steely blue - on purpose as we learn in the extras.

A lot has been made of the Fergus-Andy relationship. The gay director, Dan Castle, reportedly did not specifically see them as a gay couple, but had the two guys room together to bond, and told "Andy" to take the gay notion as far as he was comfortable. Australian men are not as chronically homophobic as are U.S. men, hence 
Puppetry Of The Penis [DVD] [2001 ]. Andy is one of the few who do not make jokes ("Fagus') about Fergus. True, after the accepting Andy gives Fergus permission to "look" the two become close. And both are shown buckling up as if they had been up to something. But why not, since Fergus has no other friends and Andy is not freaked out by Fergus. At one point towards the end of the film Andy is referred to as Fergus's "boyfriend," but it is clear that this is said in a friendly, loving way among friends. So I guess if you must consider Fergus and Andy to be a couple, by all means do. I doubt director Castle, will argue with you, since there is a market for fresh gay films.

The film ends with the two brothers, Jesse and Fergus, swimming naked together on a beach that is not clothing optional. It is clear that they are completely comfortable with each other's nudity as they swim like dolphins around an underwater camera in sun-dappled water, and as they run naked through the neighborhood back to their granddad's place. (A deft hand on the controls show they really are naked if that is your thing.) Of course Xavier Samuel is not gay. Fergus is.

The Extras are worthwhile since they discuss the filming and the music. The film is not perfect, but accomplishes what it set out to do.
5つ星のうち5.0 Outstanding. Worth watching again.
I went into this movie with low expectations. I like watching gay movies, movies where there is interaction between 2 men. I read the other reviews, and knowing that this wasn't really a 'gay love' movie, I bought it anyways, out of curiosity. Some reviews stated that there was a lot of 'eye candy'; a lot of scenes showing men in swim suits. They were right. And, I am not even a surfer type of guy - not really into men surfing the waves. That being said, this movie had a lot of fabulous scenes! The photography that was shot in this movie was academy award material - A+++. I was so impressed with the photography!! Beautiful shots! I was absorbed into the men, and their love for surfing. The characters were beautiful, and they acted their roles extremely well. I thought it was cool, that in the background, there was always a fleet of anchored oil tankers - not sure why, but I thought it was really cool. I look forward to watching this again. One last note; This movie was released by Wolfe Video. 90% of the times, they always release the best in gay movies. When I saw 'Wolfe' on the dvd box, I thought to myself, that this can't be that bad of a movie if it is Wolfe. I was right. This was a really good movie to watch. Very highly recommended!!